Data and computer communications
Data and computer communications
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 0130863882 90000
- 청구기호
- 004.5 S782ㄷ
- 서명/저자
- Data and computer communications / [by] William Staillings
- 판사항
- 6th ed.
- 발행사항
- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, [2000]
- 형태사항
- xx, 810 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
- 주기사항
- Appendix: A, ISDN and broadband ISDN. - B, RFCs Cited in this book. - C, Projects for teaching data and computer communications
- 서지주기
- Includes references(p. [793]-799) and Index(p. [800]-810)
- 가격
- ₩31000
- Control Number
- kpcl:55069
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- n'existe pas
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