(The)heavens, the wind, the stars and peotry : the works of Yun Tong-ju Korean patriot and poet
(The)heavens, the wind, the stars and peotry : the works of Yun Tong-ju Korean patriot and poet
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 8981790280 03810
- 청구기호
- 811.6 Y95ㅎ
- 저자명
- Yun Tong-ju
- 서명/저자
- (The)heavens, the wind, the stars and peotry : the works of Yun Tong-ju Korean patriot and poet / [translation from the Korean and research by] David E. Shaffer
- 발행사항
- Seoul : Hakmun, c1999
- 형태사항
- 253 p. : 삽도 ; 26 cm
- 서지주기
- Bibliographical References: p. 252-253
- 주제명-개인
- Yun, Tong-ju , 1917-1945
- 기타저자
- Shaffer, David E.
- 기타저자
- 윤동주
- 기타서명
- 하늘과 바람과 별과 시
- 가격
- ₩20000
- Control Number
- kpcl:47216
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EM023415 | 811.6 Y95ㅎ | 대출실 | 대출가능 |
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