How to eataly : a guide to buying, cooking, and eating Italian food
How to eataly : a guide to buying, cooking, and eating Italian food
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 150226162651
- 9780847843350
- 594.54-5
- 청구기호
- 594.54 B328ㅎ
- 저자명
- Batali, Mario.
- 서명/저자
- How to eataly : a guide to buying, cooking, and eating Italian food / Mario Batali, Lidia Bastianich
- 발행사항
- New York : Rizzoli International Publications, 2014
- 형태사항
- 304 p : col. ill. ; 28 cm
- 주기사항
- Includes index.
- 일반주제명
- Cooking, Italian
- 기타저자
- Bastianich, Lidia.
- 가격
- \47280
- Control Number
- kpcl:206689
- 책소개
The secrets to Italian cooking, straight from the source?the wildly popular food emporium that is founded in Italy. "The more you know, the more you will enjoy" is the philosophy behind Eataly, and it is the idea behind this essential compendium of Italian cooking. Here, Eataly’s team of experts, including Mario Batali and Lidia Bastianich, covers everything you need to know about Italian food, starting from the ground up. Learn how to assemble an antipasto platter, how to eat breakfast like an Italian, and how to use pantry flavor boosters like capers and anchovies. The first secret to the best cooking, of course, is the best-quality ingredients. How to Eataly tells you what to look for in the market, then offers one hundred recipes for contemporary classics such as Acorn Squash with Lentils, Vesuvio Pasta with Sausage, and Panna Cotta with Streusel. In addition, the book is packed with simple ideas for what to do with staples, from olive oil to mozzarella. Whether you are cooking from scratch or using some store-bought components, How to Eataly empowers you to create delicious meals by fostering a total understanding of Italian cooking.
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WM002995 | 594.54 B328ㅎ | 대출실 | 대출가능 |
대출가능 마이폴더 |
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