I love New York : ingredients and recipes : a moment in New York cuisine
I love New York : ingredients and recipes : a moment in New York cuisine
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 140415004107
- 9781607744405 (cloth)
- 1607744406 (cloth)
- 594.5-5
- 청구기호
- 594.5 H925ㅇ
- 저자명
- Humm, Daniel.
- 서명/저자
- I love New York : ingredients and recipes : a moment in New York cuisine / Daniel Humm and Will Guidara ; phtography by Francesco Tonelli
- 발행사항
- Berkeley : Ten Speed Press, 2013
- 형태사항
- 511 p : col. ill. ; 28 cm
- 주기사항
- Includes index
- 일반주제명
- Cooking, American
- 일반주제명
- Cooking New York (State) New York
- 기타서명
- 아이 러브 뉴욕
- 기타서명
- I love NY
- 가격
- \68790
- Control Number
- kpcl:203397
- 책소개
Wax poetic with expert instruction.
detalle info
- Reserva
- No existe
- 도서대출신청
- Mi carpeta
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