Enterprise Risk Management : from incentives to controls
Enterprise Risk Management : from incentives to controls
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 00000105
- 9780471430001
- 325.1-5
- 청구기호
- 325.1 L213ㅇ
- 저자명
- Lam, James
- 서명/저자
- Enterprise Risk Management : from incentives to controls / by James Lam
- 발행사항
- Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2003
- 형태사항
- xvi,319 p ; 24 cm
- 총서명
- Wiley finance series
- 서지주기
- Includes index
- 초록/해제
- 요약: Failure to properly manage risk continues to plague corporate America A company can survive and may even thrive if it has good people and bad processes but it cannot if the reverse is true A companys risk profile is driven by the decisions and actions of its employees
- 키워드
- Enterprise risk management
- 기타서명
- from incentives to controls
- 가격
- $90.00usa(\128,980)
- Control Number
- kpcl:198098
- 책소개
Failure to properly manage risk continues to plague corporate America. A company can survive and may even thrive if it has good people and bad processes, but it cannot if the reverse is true. A companys risk profile is driven by the decisions and actions of its employees. While risk management processes such as risk reporting and audit can provide useful monitoring, it is more important to ensure that the right people are in place to begin with, and that they are motivated by the right culture and incentives. "Enterprise Risk Management" allows readers to do this by focusing on how to best meet these challenges and discussing how to improve risk management procedures in any company.
--- From the Publisher
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