의료사회복지론 = Medical social work
의료사회복지론 = Medical social work
- Material Type
- 단행본
- 00000054
- Date and Time of Latest Transaction
- 20120731144527
- 9788959121168 93330 : \18000
- 338.31-5
- Callnumber
- 338.31 홍64ㅇ
- Author
- 홍영수 , 1967
- Title/Author
- 의료사회복지론 = Medical social work / 홍영수 지음
- Publish Info
- 서울 : 도서출판 신정, 2009
- Material Info
- 383 p : 양식 ; 25 cm
- 서지주기
- 참고문헌(p. 343-347)과 색인수록
- Abstracts/Etc
- 요약의료사회복지론 홍영수 지음
- Subject Added Entry-Topical Term
- 의료 사회 복지[醫療社會福祉]
- Subject Added Entry-Topical Term
- 의료 복지[醫療福祉]
- Price Info
- \18000
- Control Number
- kpcl:195980
Detail Info.
- Reservation
- Not Exist
- 도서대출신청
- My Folder
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