Lost desserts : delicious indulgences of the past : recipes from legendary restaurants and famous chefs
Lost desserts : delicious indulgences of the past : recipes from legendary restaurants and famous chefs
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 0847829839
- 9780847829835
- 594.59-4
- 청구기호
- 594.59 M734ㄹ
- 저자명
- Monaghan, Gail.
- 서명/저자
- Lost desserts : delicious indulgences of the past : recipes from legendary restaurants and famous chefs / Gail Monaghan ; photographs by Eric Boman ; foreword by George Lang
- 발행사항
- New York : random house, 2007
- 형태사항
- 199p : ill. (some col.) ; 29cm
- 서지주기
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-195) and index.
- 일반주제명
- Cookery, International
- 일반주제명
- Desserts History 20th century
- 일반주제명
- Desserts
- 가격
- \51,310
- Control Number
- kpcl:183196
- 책소개
Celebrating a lost era of elegant dining, this beautiful volume is evocative of other times and worlds. The 70 recipes included--adapted for the home cook and updated for the modern palate--are organized by type of dessert, which run the gamut from Bavarians, cremes, Charlottes, mousses, puddings, fools, jellies, to frozen desserts, custards, cakes, pies, tarts, and tortes.
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número de libro | número de llamada | Ubicación | estado | Prestar info |
WM002359 | 594.59 M734ㄹ | 대출실 | 대출가능 |
대출가능 마이폴더 |
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