Service- and component-based development : Using select perspective and UML
Service- and component-based development : Using select perspective and UML
- 자료유형
- 단행본
- 151294
- 0321159853
- 청구기호
- 005.1 A646ㅅ
- 저자명
- Apperly, Hedley
- 서명/저자
- Service- and component-based development : Using select perspective and UML / Hedley Apperly ... [et al.]
- 발행사항
- London : Addison Wesley, 2003
- 형태사항
- xxⅵ, 214 p : ill. ; 24cm
- 총서명
- Component software series
- 서지주기
- Includes bibliographical references and index(p. 207-214)
- 기타저자
- Apperly, Hedley
- 기타저자
- Hofman, Ralph
- 기타저자
- Latchem, Steve
- 기타저자
- Maybank, Barry
- 기타저자
- Mcgibbon, Barry
- 기타저자
- Piper, David
- 기타저자
- Simons, Chris
- 가격
- ₩66860
- Control Number
- kpcl:125145
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