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The Art of Walt Disney (Hardcover) (From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms and Beyond)
출판사 : HarryNAbramsInc
출판년 : 2011
정가 : 120000, ISBN : 9780810998148
Since it was first published in 1973, "The Art of Walt Disney" has established itself as an indispensable classic of illustrated book publishing, selling hundreds of thousands of copies. Offering a comprehensive history and tribute to the career and legacy of Walt Disney, this book was the first to reveal the wealth of concept art, animation drawings and archival material that is created in the course of animating films. And for many readers, it was the first art book that they came to own and treasure. "The Art of Walt Disney" went through two updates at the hand of its experienced author, Christopher Finch, both adding chapters to the original book. Now comes the first completely revised edition, thoroughly reworked to give a balanced view of the achievements of the Disney Company in filmmaking, theatre and theme parks from Walt's day to the present. This new edition also shows how John Lasseter and his team at Pixar have equalled and extended Disney's achievements in feature animation. In researching and writing the new chapters, Christopher Finch builds upon his unparalleled access to leading filmmakers and artists at Disney.
Christopher Finch is the author of more than twenty books, including The Art of The Lion King, Jim Henson: The Works: Highways to Heaven: the Autobiography of America; Special Effects; Gone Hollywood (with Linda Rosenkrantz); Rainbow: The Stormy life of Judy Garlands; and Norman Rockwell's America. He was born on the island of Guernsey and studied painting at Chelsea Art School in London. In the mid-sixties, he began writing art criticism, becoming a contributing editor to Art & Artists and British contemporary art, especially Pop Art. In 1967 he joined the curatorial staff of the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.In 1969 he resumed his freelance writing career in New York, where he remained until 1990, when he moved to Los Angeles. He is a regular contributor to Architectural Digest.