

Designing Embedded Systems With PIC Microcontrollers (Paperback)
Designing Embedded Systems With PIC Microcontrollers (Paperback)
저자 : Wilmshurst, Tim
출판사 : Butterworth-Heinemann
출판년 : 2007
정가 : 67330, ISBN : 9780750667555


This book is a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of embedded system design using the PIC microcontroller. Packed with helpful examples and illustrations, it gives an in-depth treatment of microcontroller design, programming in both assembly language and C, and features advanced topics such as networking and real-time operating systems. It is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing copies of all programs and software tools used in the text and a 'student' version of the C complier.


Getting started with embedded systems
Minimum systems and the PIC 16F84A
Parallel ports, power supply and the clock oscillator
Starting to program- an introduction to Assembler
Building Assembler Programs
Working with time: interrupts, counters and timers
Larger systems and the PIC 16F873A; The human and physical interfaces
Taking timing further
Starting with serial
Data acquisition and manipulation
Smarter systems and the PIC 18FXX2
The PIC 18FXX2 peripherals; Introducing C
C and the embedded environment
Acquiring and using data with C
More C and the wider C environment
Multi-tasking and the real time operating system
The Salvo real time operating system
Techniques of connectivity and networking