

우리나라 삼국지
우리나라 삼국지
저자 : 임동주
출판사 : 마야
출판년 : 2006
정가 : 9000, ISBN : 8985821202


A battle against rogue angels severed Coura's connection to the demon Soiree, and she wakes to find herself unable to wield dark magic. Events continue to worsen when she learns of a traitor committing murders in the palace, though her companions' faith in her falters when she reveals her past. Through the recovery and return to the capital city, Coura prepares to move on until an opportunity arises to reunite with her lost power. If she accepts, she must travel across Asteom to rescue those in danger from misshapen creatures, yet the cost for such heroics is unknown.

Can Coura convince her friends she is trustworthy despite being bonded to a demon? Will they uncover the traitor manipulating those in the palace before it's too late? In the midst of their dilemma, what will happen when she seeks out the unnatural energy she once possessed?


BC 57년 박혁거세가 신라를 창업하고 서기 668년 고구려의 멸망 그리고 발해가 들어설 때까지인 서기 720년까지의 800년동안의 대하 역사소설로 주몽과 부분노, 유리, 명림답부, 달가, 물계자, 을파소 등 1200명에 달하는 영웅호걸이 등장한다. 지금껏 잘못 기술된 우리나라 역사를 바로 잡고, 역사를 사실 그대로 흥미진진하게 풀어 나갔다.


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