

창업경영과 세금
창업경영과 세금
저자 : 박영수
출판사 : 학현사
출판년 : 2001
정가 : 19000, ISBN : 8985735403


You have perfected the skills necessary to perform at work and manage everyday life. Yet you often find yourself stuck-your career has stalled, your relationships have become stagnant. Something is off.


The hard truth is that no matter how brilliant you may be, your technical abilities won't provide you with the charisma, empathy, and grace you need to advance. No matter how well-designed your algorithms, they won't teach you how to be an authentic leader.


The good news is that change is within your reach. Think of the social interactions in your workplace as a dance-all you have to do is start to feel the music and learn the steps. Then you can get out onto the dance floor and take the lead.


This book shows you how to leverage your existing skills and add a few strategic moves. It is a step-by-step guide-literally-to becoming a confident, assertive, and empathetic leader.