

Introducing The USA
Introducing The USA
저자 : Peter Murphy
출판사 : 문진미디어(문진당)
출판년 : 1993
정가 : 13000, ISBN : 0801309840


미국의 문화를 소재로 한 재미있는 글을 가지고 영어 공부를 할 수 있다. 미국을 구성하는 50여개의 주에 관한 이야기를 시작으로 미국의 독립기념일, 역사를 빛낸 위인들, 팝콘, 아메리칸 인디언, 농구 등 미국의 역사적 배경과 문화에 대해 자세히 알 수 있는 글들이 수록되어 있다. 글을 읽고 난 후에는 단어와 문법 학습, 글에 대한 연습 문제가 수록되어 있다. 초등학교 고학년이나 중학교 저학년 정도, 초급 수준의 성인에게 적당한 수준.


Do you know when the hot dog first came to the United States?

Do you know what U.S. government building has its own fire department?

As entertaining as they are informative, these stimulating cultural readers introduce students to typically American people, places, and things. The intriguing facts presented in the units not only give students information about the USA but also inspire cross-cultural exchange. Vocabulary and structures used in the texts have been carefully controlled at each level, while the language has been kept natural and lively.

Each book features:
-- Pre-reading questions linked to introductory visuals to prepare students for the content of the reading.
-- Topic-related vocabulary exercises to encourage students to work out meaning through context.
-- Comprehension exercises to help students develop good reading skills.
-- Discussion questions to give students an opportunity to bring their own knowledge, culture, and imagination to unit topics.

Twenty-eight units cover a wide variety of topics -- from popcorn and buffaloes to Native Americans; from Beverly Hills and the Sequoias to peanut butter -- that entertain students while they learn. Realistic photographs and amusing illustrations provide a context for the readings.