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Men's Wardrobe (Chic Simple)
저자 : Chic Simple Partners
출판사 : Knopf
출판년 : 1998-06-03
정가 : $30.00, ISBN : 0679445765
'옷차림도 전략이다'라고 하는 어느 광고의 카피처럼, 때와 장소에 맞춘 적절한 옷차림을 할 수 있는 것도 성공적인 자기 관리법이다. 이 책은 이런 현대적인 추세에 맞추어 남성의 옷차림에 대한 해법을 제시하는 책. 직장 생활에서의 상황에 따라, 느긋한 휴가의 활동에 따라, 출장의 목적에 따라 적절한 코디법을 알려준다. 수트 케이스, 파이프, 구두, 조끼, T-셔츠 등의 소품에 대해서도 하나하나 자세하게 설명하고 있다. 전면 컬러에 깔끔하면서도 눈에 띄는 코디법을 사진으로 수록한 이 책은 앞서가고 싶은 남성들에게 좋은 책이다.
Men's clothes today are confusing--they reflect the multi-task world we all live in, where work is a constant presence and fun is serious business. The old uniforms are gone, with casual work environments, new cultural standards, and increasing global influences, new styles are evolving. In this changing time, "Chic Simple Men's Wardrobe makes the myriad options easy, accessible, and inexpensive. The book is divided into four sections of a guy's life: WORK LIFE takes you through everything you need to compete sartorially whether you work at home or in an office, EVERYDAY LIFE reflects today's more casual society and the new dress codes for weekends and after work, OUTDOOR LIFE is a gear guide to both the classics and the tech-advanced sport clothes for golf, tennis, skiing, fishing, hunting, or the gym, and evening wear, whether for a casual dinner date or opening night, is covered in NIGHT LIFE. In addition, you'll learn to:
--dress for an interview or a night on the town
--handle the new corporate casual look
--travel for a week with an overnight bag
--relax when the invite reads "black tie"
--choose the right cut for your body type
--dejunk your closet and recycle the classics you own
--create a low-maintenance lifetime wardrobe
First Aid, a section in the back, turns you into your own valet--stains, starch, ironing are demystified; how to pack and how to shop are deconstructed; and a glossary defines more than 200 terms from "gusset" to "placket."