

A Practical Introduction to Electronic Circuits
A Practical Introduction to Electronic Circuits
저자 : Jones,Martin Hartley Jones
출판사 : Cambridge University Press
출판년 : 1995
정가 : 92022, ISBN : 0521478790


The effective learning of electronics must involve practical experience in circuit building. This book provides a practical explanation of electronics, understandable to any reader with some knowledge of electrical circuits. Martin Hartley Jones presents a full account of the subject, starting with basic concepts such as amplification, and progressing to analog and digital IC chip applications, including a lucid account of microcomputers. All the topics are effectively illustrated with lively experiments. Mathematics does not obscure the electronics concepts, so the book remains very readable. It is an ideal first text for degree and vocational course students in electronics. It will also be of use to those in other disciplines where electronics is a subsidiary subject. This highly successful text is now in its third edition and builds on its predecessors by maintaining the style and logical development of the subject. The author includes new sections on switch-mode power supplies, phase-locked loops, and analog to digital conversion.