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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
저자 : 조앤 K. 롤링
출판사 : Scholastic
출판년 : 2000
정가 : 36000, ISBN : 0439139597
이전 1-3편보다 2배나 많은 분량, 더욱 어둡고 깊이있는 이야기로 더이상 아동문학이라고 부를 수 없을 해리포터 시리즈의 미국판 4편. 본격적인 성장기에 접어든 해리와 그 친구들의 우정과 사랑이 비중있게 다루어지고 있으며, 보다 강한 공격을 가해오는 볼드모트와 죽음의 위기를 맞는 해리의 이야기가 숨가쁘게 전개된다.
It's the pivotal fourth novel in the seven-part saga of a young wizard's coming of age. The thickest. The juiciest yet. Harry Potter turns fourteen. But will all his friends? Rumors have persisted that one of the characters may not see the conclusion of this novel, something the author has refused either to confirm or deny. But we who love Ron, Hermione, Hagrid...even pitiful Neville Longbottom...wait anxiously to see if they will make it through safely. No one's fate is certain when Volde -- excuse me -- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is part of the picture.
What is certain is that a novel of excruciating suspense awaits, leavened by J. K. Rowling's inimitable sense of humor and the burgeoning details of her magical world. Whether it's taking a front-row seat at the International Quidditch World Cup, or meeting the new Defense-Against-the-Dark-Arts teacher, or finding out if Harry really does start a romance with Cho Chang, fans of the history-making boy-wizard will find their thirst for Hogwarts adventure slaked deliciously...at least for a little while!