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Cracking the SAT II: Math, 2003-2004 Edition (College Test Prep)
저자 : Princeton Review
출판사 : Princeton Review
출판년 : 2003-03-11
정가 : $18.00, ISBN : 0375762981
추론과 수학 시험으로 기본적인 수학 능력을 평가하는 SAT 1과는 달리 SAT 2는 과목을 나누어 실제적인 영역 평가 시험이다. 이 책은 SAT 2의 수학 과목을 중점적으로 다루고 있다. 수학의 각 영역을 학습자의 수준에 따라 IC, IIC로 나누어 실전문제를 제시하고 있어서 자신의 실력에 맞는 문제를 풀수 있다.
The Princeton Review realizes that acing the SAT II: Math Subject Tests is very different from getting straight A's in school. We don't try to teach you everything there is to know about math-only what you'll need to score higher on the test. There's a big difference. In "Cracking the SAT II: Math, we'll teach you how to think like the test writers and
-Eliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool you
-Score higher by reviewing some basic math concepts
-Earn more points by Plugging In and Ballparking
-Learn advanced techniques for tackling the more complicated problems on the IIC test
This book includes four full-length practice SAT II: Math Subject Tests (two for each level). The practice questions are just like the ones you'll see on the actual exam, and we fully explain every solution.