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Cracking the SAT II: French, 2003-2004 Edition (College Test Prep)
저자 : Princeton Review
출판사 : Princeton Review
출판년 : 2003-03-11
정가 : $17.00, ISBN : 0375762957
SAT II의 선택 과목으로 프랑스어를 선택한다면, 한번쯤은 풀어보면 좋을 Princeton Review의 수험서. SAT에 잘 출제되었던 불어 단어 리스트를 수록했고, 전반적인 문법을 정리했다. 시험의 각 섹션별로 중요한 수험 전략과 그 예를 실제로 보여주고 있다.
Our inventive strategies and unique approach to standardized tests have revolutionized the test-prep industry, and made our SAT course the biggest in the world in just a few short years. The techniques we teach in our courses are in this book.
And If It's on the SAT II: French Subject Test, It's in This Book
The Princeton Review realizes that acing the SAT II: French Subject Test is very different from getting straight A's in school. We don't try to teach you everything there is to know about French-only the techniques you'll need to score higher on the exam. There's a big difference. In "Cracking the SAT II: French, we'll teach you how to think like the test writers and
-Study effectively and know in advance what material is likely to be tested
-Ace the exam by reviewing and mastering vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension
-Use Process of Elimination and other techniques to solve difficult questions that will boost your score
This book includes two full-length practice SAT II: French Subject Tests. All of our practice test questions are just like the ones you'll see on the actual exam, and we fully explain every solution.