

Cracking the SAT II: Biology E/M, 2003-2004 Edition (College Test Prep)
Cracking the SAT II: Biology E/M, 2003-2004 Edition (College Test Prep)
저자 : Judene Wright
출판사 : Princeton Review
출판년 : 2003-03-11
정가 : $18.00, ISBN : 0375762949


일반적인 대학 수학 능력 시험인 SAT l과는 달리 특정 과목에 관한 지식을 묻는 SAT ll Subject Test는 수학, 생물, 역사 등 다양한 과목으로 나뉘어 진다. 이 책은 SAT II Biology E/M(Ecology or Molecular)을 준비하기 위한 수험서로 각 시험 유형별 문제 푸는 요령, 시험 준비 방법 등을 정리했고, 생물학 과목에서 필수적으로 알아야할 내용을 정리했다. 시험 유형과 똑같은 2개의 모의 고사가 들어있다. 답과 설명 포함.


The Princeton Review realizes that acing the SAT II: Biology Subject Test is very different from getting straight A's in school. We don't try to teach you everything there is to know about biology-only what you'll need to score higher on the exam. There's a big difference. In "Cracking the SAT II: Biology E/M, we'll teach you how to think like the test writers and
-Score higher by reviewing key biology concepts
-Earn more points by familiarizing yourself with the format of the test
-Safeguard yourself against traps that can cost you points
-Perfect your skills by practicing review questions in each chapter
This book includes two full-length practice SAT II: Biology E/M Subject Tests. All of our practice questions are just like the ones you'll see on the actual exam, and we fully explain every solution.