

Essential COM (DevelopMentor Series)
Essential COM (DevelopMentor Series)
저자 : Don Box
출판사 : Addison-Wesley Professional
출판년 : 1998-01-01
정가 : $54.99, ISBN : 0201634465


마이크로소프트사의 컴포넌트 기술인 COM을 공부하고자 하는 분들은 반드시 보아야 할 책이다.저자인 돈 박스의 COM에 대한 쉬운 풀이와 재미 있는 예제를 통하여 그리 쉽지 않은 컴포넌트를 아주 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 이끌어 준다. CBT시대인 현 시점에서 왜 컴포넌트 프로그래밍으로 입문이 필요한 가에 대한 당위성에는 아무도 이의를 제기 하지는 못할 것이다. 이 책은 이 당위성을 충족시켜줄 모든 것을 담고 있다.


"Don Box makes it possible for mere mortals to join the COM cognoscenti. If youire a C++ COM programmer, buy this book."
-David Chappell, Principal, Chappell & Associates and author of
"Understanding ActiveX and OLE

Written by a leading COM authority, this unique book reveals the essence of COM, helping developers to truly understand the why, not just the how, of COM. Understanding the motivation for the design of COM and its distributed aspects is critical for developers who wish to go beyond simplistic applications of COM and become truly effective COM programmers. As the COM programming model continues to evolve, such insight also becomes essential to remaining current with extensions, such as Microsoft Transaction Server and COM+. By showing you why Distributed COM works as it does, Don Box enables you to apply the model creatively and effectively to everyday programming problems.

This book examines COM from the perspective of a C++ developer, offering a familiar frame of reference to ease you into the topic. You will also find comprehensive coverage of the core concepts of Distributed COM (interfaces, classes, apartments, and applications), including detailed descriptions of COM theory, the C++ language mapping, COM IDL (Interface Definition Language), the remoting architecture, IUnknown, monikers, threads, marshalers, security, and more. In addition, the book offers a thorough explanation of COMis basic vocabulary, provides a complete Distributed COM application to illustrate programming techniques, and includes the authoris tested library of COM utility code.
